Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Child Health Plan Part 2

Child Health Plan Part 2

Q Overview After you choose and are assigned a physical health concern for your Healthy Children Assignment, you will begin researching and writing extensively about it. Please use the following outline to help you organize your paper: • This is an outline to help you organize your Part 2 of this assignment. • Part 2, itself MUST be written in Paragraph form (outline form will not be accepted) • Review the Healthy Children Part 2 Rubric in detail (Posted on Canvas) What you will be writing about: Physical Health Concern/Focus Outline Health Concern- Describe the condition that impacts your child’s well-being. 1) Name of the Health Concern/Focus a) Describe this health concern in detail. i) How does the health concern impact physically? ii) What can cause the health concern? iii) How does the health concern limit development? b) How prevalent is the health concern? E.g., how many children have this issue. i) How many children deal with this health concern in the United States? 2) How does the health concern impact your child specifically? a) How does the health concern hinder the child physically? b) What are some of the emotional effects on the child because of the health concern? c) Does the health concern impact cognitive development? 3) The child in the family and the community a) The Child and the Family i) How did the family begin the journey with the health concern of the child? ii) How does the health concern impact the child’s family? iii) How does the health concern hinder the child’s life at home? iv) How does the health concern hinder the child’s play? b) The Child and the Community i) How does the child’s health concern impact school or social interactions? ii) How does the child’s health concern impact encounters in the community? 4) Goals for the Child a) What are possible general outcomes for the child’s health concern? i) Is the condition treatable? Explain. ii) Describe interventions, treatments, medication, etc. b) What are the specific outcomes that you want for you child in order for the child to be successful in the future? i) Describe how the child will get support for the concern in (c) Connections between physical growth and development (d) Connections between cognitive growth and development (e) Connections between social and emotional growth and development (i) What outcomes will be specific, possible treatments for the child (f) Medical (i) What medical resources are need? (ii) Does the child have access to these resources etc? (g) Social (i) Describe how the child will be supported in school and other places in the child’s environment. (ii) What is a long-term goal or goals for the child? (5) Explain how this goal supports the child (a) Physical growth and development (b) Cognitive growth and development (c) Social and Emotional growth and development (6) Explain how the family will support the child in achieving your goal or goals. (7) All resources are listed in a reference list (Part 1 & Part 2 combined) Remember: • Do not cut and paste the assignment prompts into your submission. • Write in essay form not in an outline. • You will combine the resources from Part One of the assignment with the resources from Part Two into one set of references. • Everything must be cited in the essay as well as in a References page ( Use the APA Guidelines posted on Canvas) PreviousNext

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The first few years of a child life are extremely important for a healthy growth and development of an individual and sets the course for their healthy transition into adulthood. A child needs a good caregiver in order to support all their needs and requirements during the initial years of their lives, as they entirely dependent on their family and immediate caregiver for all their daily activities. The paper intends to explore a health concern in a toddler and the various ramifications it has on his physical growth and development. Additionally, the paper will also formulate an intervention plan which can be employed to help the family overcome the health concern of the child, through various resources and investigating the causes and circumstances which led to the health concern in the child.